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The PLD (Peace, Love & Diversity) Club at the Middle/High School focuses on encouraging acceptance and tolerance within the diverse population of our school, helping to create a safe environment for all. The club meets monthly to discuss student concerns and to plan activities.  If you have any questions about the club, please stop and see me in the Guidance Office or send me an email. 


Characteristics of Club Members:

  • Acceptance and tolerance of all members

  • Recognition that we are all different but equal

  • Mutual respect for all

  • Peacefully seeking ways to influence positive change and advocating for ourselves and others

  • An understanding that all students should feel safe in school

  • Supporting any student who may feel underrepresented


What this Club is not about:

  • Disruptive demonstrations or demands for change

  • Any single population of students defined by one characteristic -- we are here for any/all who feel underrepresented



Holly Riley

High School Counselor

PLD (Peace, Love & Diversity) Club Advisor
