Student Assistance Program
Being a teenager can be very stressful. Sometimes the changes and pressures you face may be overwhelming! The Student Assistance Program can help.
The S.A.P. team is made up of school and community professionals that are specifically trained to help you deal with problems that are stressing you out or stopping you from doing well in school.
Are you or a friend:
-Having problems keeping your grades up?
-No longer feel like hanging out with friends or family?
-Not enjoying your favorite activities like you used to?
-Not getting along with others?
-Feeling like you just can't get it together?
-Feeling overwhelmed?
-Dealing with a relationship breakup?
-Experimenting with or using alcohol or other drugs?
-Being hurt physically or emotionally by someone?
-Having thoughts of hurting yourself or others?
-Having thoughts of suicide?
-Adjusting to a new school?
-Dealing with major life changes, like a parent's divorce?
-Dealing with illness or death of someone close to you?
-Close to someone or have a family member serving in the military?
SAP can help you! There are several teachers and staff members you can go to for help. These teachers and staff are specifically trained to find the resources to help you with whatever is stressing you out. Our SAP team does not get into "your business!" They simply hook you up with the people that can help you. Sometimes it's in school help, like tutoring, or sometimes its out of school professional help. And sometimes we can bring the out of school help in to school for you!
Please see any of the teachers or staff listed here. Or look for the QRscan code outside a door. That teacher or staff person can help you. You don't have to see a teacher in your grade to get help. You can come see me if you are feeling uncomfortable talking to a teacher.
Our SAP team is :
Mrs. Shaffer- Assistant Principal
Mrs. Roman- MS Guidance
Mrs. Riley-11-12 Guidance
Mrs. Vigliotti - Nurse
Mrs. Bebo
Mrs. Dzugan
SAP is here to help ANYONE.... Don't let the stress of life get in the way of being happy and successful.
Click here and you can see additional information in the guidance office web site about our SAP program.